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The Real Anthony Fauci (trailer) Full Video Free until Oct 31

By: thedude, Views: 830

WATCH FULL VIDEO FREE - Within the first 5 minutes, you know why Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s blockbuster bestelling book The Real Anthony Fauci is now a full-length feature documentary exposing Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Government.

Eric Dollard Chris Carson 5 of 6

By: Dude, Views: 1087

eric dollard chris carson 5of6

Biden Being Mistakenly Honest

By: thedude, Views: 1109 - News Jan 19, 2022 - Did Joe Biden (potus) fail the Ukrainian people in what appears to be a rare honest statement to CPAC? Characterizing the potential response from Putin, "My guess is he will move in. He has to do something." Biden also refer...

Stan Meyer at New Energy Conference Colorado 1993 pt4

By: Dude, Views: 949

Stan Meyer at New Energy Conference Colorado 1993 pt4


By: Dude, Views: 784


Diplomatic Viruses - A Documentary film by Al Mayadeen

By: thedude, Views: 908

An explosive 2018 documentary film by Al Mayadeen Documentaries details the secret U.S. funding of bioweapons research using dangerous pathogens in Eastern Europe.

Watch Later 1:15:30

Plandemic (Full Documentary)

By: thedude, Views: 2835

A very important documentary that has been widely censored through out the web. Please download and share widely.


By: Dude, Views: 780


Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea on Nano Tech Found in Vaccines

By: thedude, Views: 459

Maria Zeee ( Interview with Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea on Nano Tech Found in Vaccines (featured on - Alarming information that points to seeding of self replicating nano tech utilized in vaccines similar to that which were identified in Morgellons (typically ...
