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Results for: 'world economic forum'

Statements by Klaus Schwab and members of the World Economic Forum

By: thedude, Views: 1142

Excerpts from various video sources featuring statements made by Klaus Schwab - Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation and other members.

Senator Alex Antic of Australia talks World Economic Forum in Parliament

By: thedude, Views: 2799

Senator Alex Antic of the Liberal party of South Australia is ALLOWED to address Parliament to discuss the ramifications of involvement with the World Economic Forum.

Chrystia Freeland - Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum

By: thedude, Views: 4496

As well as a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, Chrystia Freeland "serves" as the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance for the government of Canada. News -

Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilivere and Leadership Meet in Winnipeg to a Full Room

By: thedude, Views: 1027

Jan 14, 2023 More News at - Article @ Town Hall with Pierre Poilievre - Protect your paycheques and your property, was held in Winnipeg at the Hilton Winnipeg Airport Hotel on the evening of Jan 13, 2023. ...

WEF / UN rep Claims to OWN SCIENCE w/ Talking Head Choir!

By: thedude, Views: 757 Excerpt from : Freedom of speech and independant news media are under attack, while U.N. Under-Secretary General for Global Communications Melissa Fleming claims they, "Own the science".

An Open Letter and Declaration to the World Economic Forum

By: thedude, Views: 538 - News / NOTE: We don't condone threats or violence of any kind. If you are upset or outraged by acts of government misconduct, we encourage you to utilize lawful means of expression, including becoming involved in the political process, as well as seeking accounta...

Rebel News - CEO of Pfizer Evades Questions at WEF

By: thedude, Views: 1213

Rebel News reporters Ezra Levant and Avi Yemini encounter CEO Pfizer and Chief Albert Bourla on streets of Davos Switzerland, where he is unable to answer a single question. Thank you Rebel News reporters in Davos. God bless you! https://key...

A War For the World - Riccardo Bosi of Australia One Party

By: thedude, Views: 1292

Riccardo Bosi of Australia One gives a warning that the entire world needs to hear. Save 50% on Winter Sun Plus and get TWICE the Vitamin D power!

The Vax-scene - Australian Protests and Camps

By: thedude, Views: 1097

Plans for Canada/World already being enacted upon in Australia.
