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Results for: 'who'

Global Covid Summit - San Juan panel of 8 Doctors

By: thedude, Views: 1262

Global Covid Summit Webpage here On a balmy night on the outskirts of San Juan, Puerto Rico, a panel of doctors and scientists convened for the first Conversation on Covid, hosted by media startup Roundtable. While the conversation was far-ranging, it often hit on controversial topics around t...

Peaceful Ceremony at Ottawa War Memorial to Near Abduction at the Line

By: thedude, Views: 1109

On Fri February 18th, 2022, i arrived at the war memorial following reports that veterans who had been doing shifts guarding the "Unknown Soldier" Monument, had been arrested. I witness a ceremony being performed by a native elder and 2 friends, shorty and Windbear. During the ceremony I felt d...

Watch Later 1:15:30

Plandemic (Full Documentary)

By: thedude, Views: 2836

A very important documentary that has been widely censored through out the web. Please download and share widely.

Watch Later 1:08:21

Died Suddenly Documentary by Stew Peters Network

By: thedude, Views: 1033

Died Suddenly Healthy adults are dropping dead all across the globe. In the last 18 months, the term “Died Suddenly” has risen to the very top of “most searched” Google terms. Now, the award-winning documentary team that brought you, “Watch The Water”, and “These Little Ones” tra...

Watch Later 1:22:21

Pathologist Reveals What Is Really In The COVID Vaccines

By: thedude, Views: 953

Pathologist Reveals What Is Really In The COVID Vaccines -The HighWire with Del Bigtree. Dr. Cole is a board-certified dermatopathologist who has been outspoken on the COVID vaccine rollout and safety profile. Del BigTree from The Highwire visited Dr Cole at his lab to learn first hand what ingr...

EU MEP Demand Inquiry on Vaccine / Fla. Surgeon Gen Twitter Ban

By: thedude, Views: 1315

Members of the European Parliament Special Covid Committee are frustrated when Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla skips out of hearing. Members call for special inquiry as their questions are ignored. Video features segments from hearing and follow press conference the next day. Also Florida Surgeon Gener...

HHO Neutral Plates Explained

By: Dude, Views: 1787

Video from Youtube user: HHOConnection. The third video in a series for people who are new to HHO. This video explains the concept behind using neutral plates and shows how they keep your HHO cell from overheating.

Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilivere and Leadership Meet in Winnipeg to a Full Room

By: thedude, Views: 1028

Jan 14, 2023 More News at - Article @ Town Hall with Pierre Poilievre - Protect your paycheques and your property, was held in Winnipeg at the Hilton Winnipeg Airport Hotel on the evening of Jan 13, 2023. ...

An Open Letter and Declaration to the World Economic Forum

By: thedude, Views: 538 - News / NOTE: We don't condone threats or violence of any kind. If you are upset or outraged by acts of government misconduct, we encourage you to utilize lawful means of expression, including becoming involved in the political process, as well as seeking accounta...
