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Results for: 'pfizer'

Pfizer R&D Director Discusses Covid "Directed Evolution" Parts 1&2

By: thedude, Views: 3930 Project Veritas - James O'keefe confronts Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Jordon Trishton Walker after they captured him confessing to "Directed Evolution" of Covid virus.

Rebel News - CEO of Pfizer Evades Questions at WEF

By: thedude, Views: 1211

Rebel News reporters Ezra Levant and Avi Yemini encounter CEO Pfizer and Chief Albert Bourla on streets of Davos Switzerland, where he is unable to answer a single question. Thank you Rebel News reporters in Davos. God bless you! https://key...

when the news is brought to you by pfizer

By: thedude, Views: 863

when the news is brought to you by pfizer

Pfizer Scientists Your Antibodies Are Better Than The Vaccination

By: thedude, Views: 697

Pfizer Scientists Your Antibodies Are Better Than The Vaccination

CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla Defines Criminals

By: thedude, Views: 810

More @ or UPDATE LINK TO YAHOO ARTICLE - Childrens Health Defense CHD calls for an investigation of conflicts of interests of FDA's VRBPAC committee members and why FDA ignored critical whistleblower claims regarding Pfizer's poor COVID vaccine res...

Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails - We Want to Avoid Having Info on Fetal Cells Out There

By: thedude, Views: 749

Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails - We Want to Avoid Having Info on Fetal Cells Out There

Earnest Ramirez Testifies to Senate Following 16 Year Old Sons Death After Pfizer Shot

By: thedude, Views: 830

Earnest Ramirez Testifies to Senate Following 16 Year Old Sons Death After Pfizer Shot

EU MEP Demand Inquiry on Vaccine / Fla. Surgeon Gen Twitter Ban

By: thedude, Views: 1313

Members of the European Parliament Special Covid Committee are frustrated when Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla skips out of hearing. Members call for special inquiry as their questions are ignored. Video features segments from hearing and follow press conference the next day. Also Florida Surgeon Gener...

The Real Anthony Fauci (trailer) Full Video Free until Oct 31

By: thedude, Views: 828

WATCH FULL VIDEO FREE - Within the first 5 minutes, you know why Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s blockbuster bestelling book The Real Anthony Fauci is now a full-length feature documentary exposing Big Pharma, Big Tech and Big Government.
