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Results for: 'New'

Canadian Perspective on Energy - gas/oil relationship with Russia and Other Nations

By: thedude, Views: 1046

An Excertp from - Rebel News - DAILY | Life after the Emergencies Act - Feb 25, 2022 with Ezra Levant and Shielda Gunn Reid. An informative Canadian perspective on energy - gas/oil relationship with Russia and many European and Western Nations, while war time "sanctions" are voiced by Justin Tru...

Chrystia Freeland - Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum

By: thedude, Views: 4496

As well as a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, Chrystia Freeland "serves" as the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance for the government of Canada. News -

Biden Being Mistakenly Honest

By: thedude, Views: 1109 - News Jan 19, 2022 - Did Joe Biden (potus) fail the Ukrainian people in what appears to be a rare honest statement to CPAC? Characterizing the potential response from Putin, "My guess is he will move in. He has to do something." Biden also refer...

Stan Meyer at New Energy Conference Colorado 1993 pt4

By: Dude, Views: 949

Stan Meyer at New Energy Conference Colorado 1993 pt4

Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea on Nano Tech Found in Vaccines

By: thedude, Views: 459

Maria Zeee ( Interview with Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea on Nano Tech Found in Vaccines (featured on - Alarming information that points to seeding of self replicating nano tech utilized in vaccines similar to that which were identified in Morgellons (typically ...

Pfizer R&D Director Discusses Covid "Directed Evolution" Parts 1&2

By: thedude, Views: 3933 Project Veritas - James O'keefe confronts Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Jordon Trishton Walker after they captured him confessing to "Directed Evolution" of Covid virus.

Stan Meyer at New Energy Conference Colorado 1993 pt1

By: Dude, Views: 924

Stan Meyer at New Energy Conference Colorado 1993 pt1

Washington To Castrate Minors Without Parental Consent As UN Pushes Legalized Pedophilia.mp4

By: thedude, Views: 1564

Greg Reese Greg Reese SUBSCRIBE Laws now being passed to eradicate parental rights when it comes to gender reassignment surgery and drugs The Washington state Senate just passed Senate Bill 5599, allowing the state to hide children from their parents. No al...

Stan Meyer at New Energy Conference Colorado 1993 pt10

By: Dude, Views: 959

Stan Meyer at New Energy Conference Colorado 1993 pt10
